Jun 24, 2007, 11:25 PM

Tehran Times Opinion Column, June 25, By Hamid Golpira

Traps for Hamas

TEHRAN, June 24 (MNA) -- Hamas rules Gaza now, but the Palestinian Islamists must be on guard against the new plots of the enemies of Islam.

“Democracy is the solution to the problems of the Islamic world” has been the policy catch phrase of U.S. officials over the past few years, although they clearly have their own definition of the word democracy.   


However, Hamas turned the tables on them when the Islamic movement won a free and fair election in January 2006, becoming the largest party in the Palestinian Parliament.


Incensed that Hamas had played the democracy card so deftly, the United States and its allies hypocritically rejected the results of the election and imposed an economic embargo on the Hamas-led Palestinian government.


Since that policy did not marginalize Hamas, U.S. officials then decided to encourage Mohammad Dahlan and their other allies in Fatah to provoke Hamas, which led to the recent clashes and the Hamas victory in Gaza.


Through their manipulation of events in Palestine, the powers that be are seeking to taint the democratic credentials of Hamas.


Hamas members must always remember that democracy is a part of Islam in the form of the principle of shura, which means consultation.


They must never abandon shura, since it is an essential part of Islam.


In addition, if Hamas members were to turn their backs on democracy and adopt an authoritarian approach, it would be a major strategic error since the enemy would then use that blunder in their propaganda meant to discredit Hamas and the worldwide Islamic movement.


According to Western propaganda, Islam is not compatible with democracy.


Yet the Western powers have imposed cruel dictatorships on Muslim countries, suppressed Muslims’ democratic movements, and used their puppet dictators to further their own interests in the Islamic world.    


Thus, the sheer hypocrisy of the Westerners’ calls for democratization of the Islamic world is obvious to all Muslims.


In light of all this, Hamas supporters must never pressure residents of Gaza to vote for Hamas.


The enemies of Islam are also seeking to exacerbate divisions in the Palestinian community.


In their next move, they will probably try to orchestrate clashes between Hamas and Fatah in the West Bank.


Hamas supporters must act wisely and avoid falling into the Zionist trap.


The fact that Gaza is now ruled by Hamas and the West Bank is ruled by Fatah allows the Zionists to say that the Palestinians are not speaking with one voice, so there can be no talks to reach a settlement on the final status of the occupied territories at this point in time.


If clashes break out between the two Palestinian groups in the West Bank, it would give the Zionists another excuse to refuse to enter into negotiations and to delay the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, which has been their objective all along.


The current crisis gives the Zionists the opportunity to implement their strategy, so they will surely attempt to sow discord among Palestinians to intensify the crisis.


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will most likely be compelled to call fresh elections in the near future.


Thus, Hamas must be careful to avoid alienating the electorate, which would surely decrease their votes in the election.      


Democracy is the solution to the problems of the Islamic world. However, it must be our own kind of democracy, in line with our culture and in line with shura and all the tenets of Islam. Islamic democracy is the path to victory, so we Muslims must take that path without hesitation.





News ID 23873

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